Friday, 29 November 2013

My Music Magazine

My Music Magazine

My music magazine is going to be called 'AURA' because it think this is a bright and vibrent 
name. I also like the way different aura's have different colours that can cater for the different genres of music my magazine will cover.

Red - ROCK & ROLL, Strong personality, passionate, energetic and fiery.

Yellow - INDIE ROCK, Vibrant personality, optimistic, mentally agile and alert.

Blue - SOFT ROCK, Quiet and calm personality, tolerant.

Orange - POP PUNK, Original and independent personality, creative and enthusiastic.

AURA will cover a range of four genres which are all equally different. The magazine will be published monthly and each genre will get its own issue three times a year.

ROCK & ROLL - January, May and September.

INDIE ROCK - February, June and October.

SOFT ROCK - March, July and November.

POP PUNK - April, August and December

The reason three genres are rock related and the last is pop punk is because I thought that a change to cater for some younger audience members who like pop punk bands such as Green day and Linkin Park.

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