Friday, 29 November 2013

My Music Magazine

My Music Magazine

My music magazine is going to be called 'AURA' because it think this is a bright and vibrent 
name. I also like the way different aura's have different colours that can cater for the different genres of music my magazine will cover.

Red - ROCK & ROLL, Strong personality, passionate, energetic and fiery.

Yellow - INDIE ROCK, Vibrant personality, optimistic, mentally agile and alert.

Blue - SOFT ROCK, Quiet and calm personality, tolerant.

Orange - POP PUNK, Original and independent personality, creative and enthusiastic.

AURA will cover a range of four genres which are all equally different. The magazine will be published monthly and each genre will get its own issue three times a year.

ROCK & ROLL - January, May and September.

INDIE ROCK - February, June and October.

SOFT ROCK - March, July and November.

POP PUNK - April, August and December

The reason three genres are rock related and the last is pop punk is because I thought that a change to cater for some younger audience members who like pop punk bands such as Green day and Linkin Park.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Audience Profiling - MOJO Magazine

MOJO Magazine Audience Profiling

Let MOJO take you to the heart and soul of music with unique depth, insight and passion

Age of target audience

As you can see in the table MOJO has a lot more 45-54 year old readers than 15-24 year olds and this is because MOJO cover artists who are more relevant to the older generations such as, The Beatles.


MOJO has a greater male readership than female, there could be many reasons for this as most of the band featured in the magazine are male artists and this can draw little attention from the female gender but attracts more men as 
Genre of music

MOJO magazine is designed for those who truly love music, every month MOJO provides you with music’s greatest icons in exclusive encounters, while celebrating tomorrow’s stars today. A hand-compiled collector’s CD is free with every issue, while MOJO magazine’s definitive reviews section provides you with the ultimate buyer’s guide. All in all, MOJO adds up to the world’s finest music magazine.

Artist/bands that appear in this magazine?

MOJO feature many bands like, The Beatles, The Smiths, Arcade Fire, Bob Dylan, Nici Drake Etc..

Readership and circulation.

Readership: 220,000 (jul-dec '12) 

Circulation: 79,345 (jun-jan '13)

Twitter: 73,026

Facebook: 32,000

MOJO magazine is owned by the Bauer media company distributed monthly at a cost of  £4.60 per issue.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Photo Shoot - Planning

Photo Shoot

My original image will be a close-up of A persons face (Abbie McGrath) with a 'depth' effect so that the girls eyes are the main focus of the image. The eyes will have bright, extravagant eyeshadows and thick eyeliner. The main image will also be in black and white but the bright colours will be selected so that they stand out over everything else.
I will hopefully be able to take my main cover image and images for my contents/double page spread all at once. My main cover image will be able to be taken anywhere but the other images will all need a certain background which I might photoshop.
I am going to take some practice shots without make up and try many different angles until I find the right one.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Audience Profiling -Kerrang!

I am doing some audience profiling as research for my own magazine. For my first analysis, I have chosen 'Kerrang!'. Kerrang! is a very popular music magazine which make's it very suitable.

Age of Target Audience

Kerrang! has a audience from the younger teenage readers who are more open to different genres of rock music – from emo to thrash etc, to the readers who respect Kerrang! as an authority when it comes to our scene’s heritage bands. As you can see in the table below, the magazine it bought more so by 15-24 year olds than anybody else.


Kerrang! has a gender ratio of 54.7% to 45.3% of males to females. So this tells us that it is bought more by boys than girls. Kerrang! usually uses boisterous covers but also has posters and double page spreads which are more female orientated using bands such as, You Me At Six,Pierce The Vail, All Time Low.

Social Group

Kerrang readers are the heaviest music consumers purchasing over 6 albums per month, thats 53% more than the national average and these consumers are 8 times more likely to spend over £200 a year on albums. The readers are also 5.5% more likely to go to a rock gig

Genre of Music

The kerrang magazine genre fits into rock/metal/indie music.

Types of Artists/Bands that would appear in this Mag

You Me At Six,Pierce The Vail, All Time Low, Death Havana, Matalica, Fall Out Boy, Paramore etc..

Distribution or Readership


42,203 (Jan-June '12)



87% of its readers buy every issue.

The price of a Kerrang magazine is £2.20 per issue, this is an affordable price for younger people as well as older.
55,589 Twitter followers.
12,208 Facebook fans.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Conventions Research

Conventions Research

These are some of the magazines I researched, I chose these because they are very popular music magazines which a lot of people buy frequently. I knew that these magazines would have all the usual conventions and would give me a lot to speak about during my analysis.



This is a video from YouTube that I used to help me analyse magazine, I found it very helpful. It points out the key conventions and explains how to analyse a magazine cover.

Magazine Conventions Presentation

Magazine Conventions Presentation

If you click this link it will take you to my presentation which is on


Monday, 4 November 2013

Masthead Examples

Masthead Examples 

These are some examples of mastheads. A masthead is the name and logo of the magazine. The masthead can come in many shapes and formed but it is always the biggest text and the boldest font on the cover.

RollingStones Analysis

RollingStones Analysis

This is my rolling stones analysis -In this analysis I am going to point out out key conventions and explain why they are repeated on many magazines and why they are used. This is a comparison to the Mojo magazine that I have also uploaded.